Monday, August 18, 2008

yea so, this is my blog...and stuff

i dont know, my friends are all doing this so i didnt want to but i remember they used to talk about facebook and how cool that was and i was like no i dont want that cause it seemed complecated and now their doing this and i didnt want to but i guess i'll try it.
So i got some pots yestarday and im planting some new plants i got. I also got new pillows for my couch and bed. I think the one for the bed may be too firm.
i dont think i can get a dog cause it would have to pee when i went to work and so i dont think i can get it.
i guess thats all for now. i hope i'll start liking this soon


Ms. Frances said...

Yay, you started a blog!! And I found it!

Joshua Cross said...

Jeremy ... welcome to the darkside.

Kiddo said...

Well, I for one and quite chuffed. Just the three of us conversing felt a little blank without ya!

I think it's way cooler than facebook because of the distinct lack of applications and millions of people I don't know asking to be my friend. That's not celebrity, that's creepy.