Tuesday, August 26, 2008


Ok , i just found out i have comments on here! How did you guys even know i was on here? I tried to friend you but i couldnt figure it out. I dont know why but this thing makes me sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo angry!!!!!!! I am so very upset that its sssssoooooo hard to use this. why cant they just have button to click if you want to add someone? So i cant respond to yopur comment. Im crying about this!


Ms. Frances said...

There are no friends on blogger, you just read each other's blogs. You can comment on your own blog and we'll read it, or you can go to our blogs (by clicking on our names or pictures) and comment on our posts. You don't have to worry, and you don't have to keep using blogger if you hate it, but we'll miss you.

Kiddo said...

I like that you're here! It's way more exclusive feeling than facebook, where I constantly feel like a whore for "friends".

Kiddo said...

Oh, and may I have your home address please?

Josh found the perfect postcard for you and I need to get it sent!

jeremy said...

you guys will read this?

jeremy said...

how do i put your blogg on the side like i have with franceses?

Joshua Cross said...

You just go to our blogs by clicking on our names, and then following the link to our blogs, copy the address, and put them the same place you put Frances's.

Kiddo said...

seriously though... Snail mail is a must for me! I want somewhere to send this postcard!