Monday, October 6, 2008

to whom it may rain upon

pitter pat on the wood at the docks

In on the land its drenching those rocks

bold is the view from yellow to blue

coats and the rain that falls on them too

all who are out are wishing they weren't

those who are in are those who have learnt

tea taste it's best while warm and indoors,

feet that are wet track mud on the floors


Ms. Frances said...

Are you having a rainy day too? It's been pouring here and I DROWNED.

jeremy said...

you DROWNED! its rainy now,here.

Kiddo said...

It's super rainy, and not a little sleety, out here. I didn't drown, just cursed the skies with bony fists of fury, all the while realizing I actually love the silky air when it's cold for the first time in a year. Like water to the fishes!